At 10:30am I decided to get outta bed. Took a shower, at breakfast and have been writing for a while. I also had a great phonecall with my cousin (Irma). She told us that my parents got sattelite TV now from my aunt. That is really sweet as we live just outside the village, and our whole town had just been given cable TV, but not for us because that was to expensive for the mayer I guess ;-)...
Anyway.... At 2:00pm we went shopping and I have dropped 2 packegages at the postoffice for my family and now back home (Penticton it is...) my hostbrother was so kind to help me get started with my laundry.
After dinner 2 guys came over and gave me a book (from the Mormans, I still have it, very new;-)
Tomorrow we'll have a long travelday. On our way to Red Deer. We will make a stop at Calgarie.
Up With People Cast C 91 - 92
september 23rd 1991
Right now it is 0:30am, and just got home 15 minutes now. Ate a piece of bananabread and ready for bed now...
It has been a long, exhausting day. We have given 2 shows and it was the last day Henk was with us.
This afternoon we all played a very crazy (funny crazy) game. We had to stick labels on our foreheads, and treat each other like the label says. There was; deaf, fool, stupid, stubbern, gay, smart etc. We had a meeting about this game afterwards.
At 12 we had lunch
We bought a big pie fie for Henk, and it had written; "Thank you Henk. You light up our lives". (Must be a Henk from the lighting crew I assume....fill me in please)
He had to get up on a table and we were all singing that song for him. He got very emotional.
Showtime at 3:30pm There were lots of parts left out of the show (don't know why)
It was great to do 2 shows in one day, but it was very exhausting. After the 2nd show (at night) I had to do strike and at 12am we could go home. I've been writting in my journal for about 5 minutes and felt the urge to sleep...
It has been a long, exhausting day. We have given 2 shows and it was the last day Henk was with us.
This afternoon we all played a very crazy (funny crazy) game. We had to stick labels on our foreheads, and treat each other like the label says. There was; deaf, fool, stupid, stubbern, gay, smart etc. We had a meeting about this game afterwards.
At 12 we had lunch
We bought a big pie fie for Henk, and it had written; "Thank you Henk. You light up our lives". (Must be a Henk from the lighting crew I assume....fill me in please)
He had to get up on a table and we were all singing that song for him. He got very emotional.
Showtime at 3:30pm There were lots of parts left out of the show (don't know why)
It was great to do 2 shows in one day, but it was very exhausting. After the 2nd show (at night) I had to do strike and at 12am we could go home. I've been writting in my journal for about 5 minutes and felt the urge to sleep...
september 22nd 1991
Great morning...NOT!
If Jennifer didn't wake me up this morning I would have been totaly late. Travelday today.
We are in Penticton, Canada, right now. Hometown from Marjolein. I was very glad for her. her parents were waiting for her at arrival, and Marjolein almost couldn't wait to get out of the bus. I was almost crying because I felt zo happy for her. (couldn't wait to go to Eerbeek and see my familie and friends).
I stay in a Canadian hostfamilie right now with 5 kids and I have 2 roommates. Georgia and someone staff I asume. (Georgia, do you remember???)
2 shows tomorrow, and a free day after that! ;-)
If Jennifer didn't wake me up this morning I would have been totaly late. Travelday today.
We are in Penticton, Canada, right now. Hometown from Marjolein. I was very glad for her. her parents were waiting for her at arrival, and Marjolein almost couldn't wait to get out of the bus. I was almost crying because I felt zo happy for her. (couldn't wait to go to Eerbeek and see my familie and friends).
I stay in a Canadian hostfamilie right now with 5 kids and I have 2 roommates. Georgia and someone staff I asume. (Georgia, do you remember???)
2 shows tomorrow, and a free day after that! ;-)
september 21rst 1991
Showday today. We had to be there at 8:00am. First we had a meeting and after that Ted was asking for 10 volunteers, and did not tell us what for. Ofcourse I offered myselve very enthousiast.
Now I know why he didn't tell what it was for. He just said:"Great! You can all help me with Set-Up today!" Wow, that was fun... ;-( Anyway, I was doing my thing and Jennifer (I do not remember wich one I mean) passed me by, so I asked her what they were doing at that moment. Guess what? They had free time... mmmhhh
During lunch there was mail again. I got lots of mail today. My best friend Suzan, my cousin Irma, my parents and my grandmother from Germany, and lots more. That really made me very happy.
Cast pictures are ready and available.
The show was great. The first time we perforemed the Canadian medley. It turned out pretty well. I love the song with 4 male voices (alain is singing very low....mmm love that voice, what song is it???)
Intervieuws after the show and 12:20am we could go home.
Now I am going to bed. Wonder why I am tired at 3 am.....
Now I know why he didn't tell what it was for. He just said:"Great! You can all help me with Set-Up today!" Wow, that was fun... ;-( Anyway, I was doing my thing and Jennifer (I do not remember wich one I mean) passed me by, so I asked her what they were doing at that moment. Guess what? They had free time... mmmhhh
During lunch there was mail again. I got lots of mail today. My best friend Suzan, my cousin Irma, my parents and my grandmother from Germany, and lots more. That really made me very happy.
Cast pictures are ready and available.
The show was great. The first time we perforemed the Canadian medley. It turned out pretty well. I love the song with 4 male voices (alain is singing very low....mmm love that voice, what song is it???)
Intervieuws after the show and 12:20am we could go home.
Now I am going to bed. Wonder why I am tired at 3 am.....
september 20 1991
7:30am: Optional Host drop off - Senior Citizens Inc.
9:00am: HDO - Senior Citizens Inc.
9:30am: Depart for Mozes Lake, Washington! - Bye Bye Emmett! It's been fun!
This was a beautifull day again.
4:30pm: Cast Arrival (PR TEAM Shuree Hoffman - Genevieve Paquette)
5:30pm: HPU - Moses Lake High School Cafeteria - Dinner with host families
Optional: UWP will get into Moses Lake High School first home footbal game if your HF wants to take you there. A group of UWP students will be singing the national anthem and need to be there at 7:00pm
Have a great evening with you HF! Wear your nametag for free admission!
My HF is fun. I have 2 hostsisters and both are cheeleader. Tonight we have been watching a Baseball-game. That was a lot of fun. The UWP choir had to sing and it turned out that we have been on the radio as well. My hostsisters were dancing during the game, and almost the whole UWP cast were screeming.
After the game we all went back to Highschool and had a party. We were all doing crazy dances and had a lot of fun! I cannot remember me dancing so silly. I feel so free. That is so great while knowbody knows you! (Duh... the whole cast does know me now. I certainly hope that there were no pictures taken...hahaha)
I am allocated with Kristen Rasmussen and our hostcode was "Green Olive".
9:00am: HDO - Senior Citizens Inc.
9:30am: Depart for Mozes Lake, Washington! - Bye Bye Emmett! It's been fun!
This was a beautifull day again.
4:30pm: Cast Arrival (PR TEAM Shuree Hoffman - Genevieve Paquette)
5:30pm: HPU - Moses Lake High School Cafeteria - Dinner with host families
Optional: UWP will get into Moses Lake High School first home footbal game if your HF wants to take you there. A group of UWP students will be singing the national anthem and need to be there at 7:00pm
Have a great evening with you HF! Wear your nametag for free admission!
My HF is fun. I have 2 hostsisters and both are cheeleader. Tonight we have been watching a Baseball-game. That was a lot of fun. The UWP choir had to sing and it turned out that we have been on the radio as well. My hostsisters were dancing during the game, and almost the whole UWP cast were screeming.
After the game we all went back to Highschool and had a party. We were all doing crazy dances and had a lot of fun! I cannot remember me dancing so silly. I feel so free. That is so great while knowbody knows you! (Duh... the whole cast does know me now. I certainly hope that there were no pictures taken...hahaha)
I am allocated with Kristen Rasmussen and our hostcode was "Green Olive".
september 19th 1991
8:00am: HDO Staff - Emmet High School
8:15am: HDO Students - Emmet High School
8:30am: Good morning Emmet - In the music room
8:45am: Prep
9:00am: Crew 3 Begins Set-Up - in the gym
Crew 1:
9:00am: Load bus 2 and depart for Sweet School
9:25am: Arrive at Sweet School
9:30am: Boom box show - School has stereo and 1 mic
9:50am: Prep - kids break into 5 groups
10:00am: Questions & Answers about where we come from and about being at a small, rural school.
10:30am: Ola School kids leave (sign autographs) - Bathroom and drink break for Sweet school
10:45am: Outside activities: Relay games, soccer, Basketball
11:15am: Sign autographs, say goodbye
11:30am: Cast departs for Emmett
12:00pm: Arrives at Senior Citizens, Inc. for lunch - you have a long lunch, free time for letters, CI evaluation.
Crew 2: That's me!
9:00am: Load Nana's Van and Depart for - K106 Radio Station
9:45am: Arrive at K106 and get a tour of the station. Learn about the radio media and if time permits do some taped intervieuws and critique your self. It was a exciting day for me, and I think for eleven other cast mates too as we have been given an radio intervieuw and have visited a TV station.
11:00am: Go next door to Channel 7KTVB - KTVB TV 7 - We will have a tour of the station, production room and newsroom.
12:00pm: You will be the studio audience for the noon newscast. Afterwards, take a few minutes to ask questions.We had a chance to watch the noon broadcast of the news. We could listen with headphones to learn what the man behind the camera would hear. It was fun to do so.
12:30pm: Depart for Emmett - You will have to leave your plate with Cathy in the morning before you go, because you will have lunch when you return to Emmett High School during the afternoon meeting.
1:30pm: Afternoon Meeting - in the music room
Scott Blamphin had joined Cast A for a couple of days in New York, and brought back a letter for me from Pia.
2:15pm: Prep
2:30mp: Rehearsal on stage - We have a special guest, Christopher Bowman, a 4th grader from Butte View Elementary School. He will be joining us during "Sound of Peace". Let's all make him feel welcome! The high school students have been invited to watch rehearsal.We had workshops and micgroup rehearsal.
4:55pm: Depart for dinner - Senior Citizens Inc.During dinner we got mail and I received a package from my parents with lots of fun and handy stuff like, shirts, shorts, candy (as I didn't gain enough allready...haha). I Also got a beautifull pen from my father wich I really love. (both my father and the pen)
5:45pm: House is closed
6:00pm: Band time - on stage
6:15pm: Sellers Greenroom - Merch room
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Greenroom - Music room
7:30pm: Cast C Preimeres, "Rhythm of the world" in Idaho!
9:30pm: Crew 2 - Host family & Sponsor reception - in the atrium. (yea! Go home early!)
9:45pm: Crew 1 - Intervieuws That's me - Crew 3 Strike - on stage
12:30am: Host pick up - Emmett High School
The show was OK. After intervieuws and HPU I packed my suitcase, wrote a thank-you note and halfway I fell asleep, woke up, and decided to finish writing tomorrow morning.
Who is this??? Let me know, and you might winn one of those great CD's of "Rhythm of the World"!
8:15am: HDO Students - Emmet High School
8:30am: Good morning Emmet - In the music room
8:45am: Prep
9:00am: Crew 3 Begins Set-Up - in the gym
Crew 1:
9:00am: Load bus 2 and depart for Sweet School
9:25am: Arrive at Sweet School
9:30am: Boom box show - School has stereo and 1 mic
9:50am: Prep - kids break into 5 groups
10:00am: Questions & Answers about where we come from and about being at a small, rural school.
10:30am: Ola School kids leave (sign autographs) - Bathroom and drink break for Sweet school
10:45am: Outside activities: Relay games, soccer, Basketball
11:15am: Sign autographs, say goodbye
11:30am: Cast departs for Emmett
12:00pm: Arrives at Senior Citizens, Inc. for lunch - you have a long lunch, free time for letters, CI evaluation.
Crew 2: That's me!
9:00am: Load Nana's Van and Depart for - K106 Radio Station
9:45am: Arrive at K106 and get a tour of the station. Learn about the radio media and if time permits do some taped intervieuws and critique your self. It was a exciting day for me, and I think for eleven other cast mates too as we have been given an radio intervieuw and have visited a TV station.
11:00am: Go next door to Channel 7KTVB - KTVB TV 7 - We will have a tour of the station, production room and newsroom.
12:00pm: You will be the studio audience for the noon newscast. Afterwards, take a few minutes to ask questions.We had a chance to watch the noon broadcast of the news. We could listen with headphones to learn what the man behind the camera would hear. It was fun to do so.
12:30pm: Depart for Emmett - You will have to leave your plate with Cathy in the morning before you go, because you will have lunch when you return to Emmett High School during the afternoon meeting.
1:30pm: Afternoon Meeting - in the music room
Scott Blamphin had joined Cast A for a couple of days in New York, and brought back a letter for me from Pia.
2:15pm: Prep
2:30mp: Rehearsal on stage - We have a special guest, Christopher Bowman, a 4th grader from Butte View Elementary School. He will be joining us during "Sound of Peace". Let's all make him feel welcome! The high school students have been invited to watch rehearsal.We had workshops and micgroup rehearsal.
4:55pm: Depart for dinner - Senior Citizens Inc.During dinner we got mail and I received a package from my parents with lots of fun and handy stuff like, shirts, shorts, candy (as I didn't gain enough allready...haha). I Also got a beautifull pen from my father wich I really love. (both my father and the pen)
5:45pm: House is closed
6:00pm: Band time - on stage
6:15pm: Sellers Greenroom - Merch room
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Greenroom - Music room
7:30pm: Cast C Preimeres, "Rhythm of the world" in Idaho!
9:30pm: Crew 2 - Host family & Sponsor reception - in the atrium. (yea! Go home early!)
9:45pm: Crew 1 - Intervieuws That's me - Crew 3 Strike - on stage
12:30am: Host pick up - Emmett High School
The show was OK. After intervieuws and HPU I packed my suitcase, wrote a thank-you note and halfway I fell asleep, woke up, and decided to finish writing tomorrow morning.
Who is this??? Let me know, and you might winn one of those great CD's of "Rhythm of the World"!
september 18th 1991
8:00am: Optional Host drop Off - Fred Meyers Parking Lot
9:00am: HDO
9:30am: Depart for Emmett, Idaho
I was traveling with the van today. Nice and cozy. It was fun to be with a small group for a day. We had a stop at a shoppingmall. I bought a hairclip for Kristen Hogan (She is my secret pall) I hope she'll like it!
4:45pm: Cast arrives - Emmet High School - (PR Team; Brent Copes and Cathy Klaich)
Once we arrived at Emmett we got escorted by the police including sirenes. There were lots of people ousite waving us a warm welcome. I felt like the queen (sure didn't look like one after a travel day...hahaha).
5:00pm: Staff Briefing
5:15pm: Cast briefing
5:45pm: Host Pick Up
Enjoy a free evening with your hostfamilies!
I like my hostfamilie, they are very funny, kind and spontanious. My hostfamilie took us over to their friends who hosted Rebecca and Hilde. We had diner over there and once we were back home I have shown them my personal pictures of my home, familie, friends and Raymond ;-)
9:00am: HDO
9:30am: Depart for Emmett, Idaho
I was traveling with the van today. Nice and cozy. It was fun to be with a small group for a day. We had a stop at a shoppingmall. I bought a hairclip for Kristen Hogan (She is my secret pall) I hope she'll like it!
4:45pm: Cast arrives - Emmet High School - (PR Team; Brent Copes and Cathy Klaich)
Once we arrived at Emmett we got escorted by the police including sirenes. There were lots of people ousite waving us a warm welcome. I felt like the queen (sure didn't look like one after a travel day...hahaha).
5:00pm: Staff Briefing
5:15pm: Cast briefing
5:45pm: Host Pick Up
Enjoy a free evening with your hostfamilies!
I like my hostfamilie, they are very funny, kind and spontanious. My hostfamilie took us over to their friends who hosted Rebecca and Hilde. We had diner over there and once we were back home I have shown them my personal pictures of my home, familie, friends and Raymond ;-)
september 17th 1991
8:00am: Optional Host Drop Off - Bend High School
9:00am: HDO for tech. Staff
11:45am: HDO for Staff
12:00am: HDO for Cast members
Today was a great day. Lazy morning! First we slept in for a little while untill nine and when I opened my eyes I felt awake since a long time. I showered and wrote some letters and at 12 we had HDO (host drop off)
12:15-1:15pm: Afternoon Meeting (10 min. Jewish Presentation)
First a long meeting and after that rehearsel. I had PR seminars. Getting really excited about going on PR. october 7th I will leave for Butte, Montana!
1:15 - 1:30pm: Prep
1:30 - 5:00pm: Rehearsal
5:00pm: Dinner - Bend High School
5:00pm: House closed
5:30pm: Band time
5:45pm: Sellers Greenroom
6:00pm: House Opens
6:40pm: Green Room
7:00pm: "Rhythm of the World"
Following show: Crew1 - Intervieuws / Crew 2 - Host Family evening / Crew 3 - Strike
After the show I had to do my first intervieuws. Terry was there with me and she was a great help to me. I felt pretty nervous but it turned out OK. Tomorrow we have to get up at 4:30 to get ready for a travel day to Emmett.
9:00am: HDO for tech. Staff
11:45am: HDO for Staff
12:00am: HDO for Cast members
Today was a great day. Lazy morning! First we slept in for a little while untill nine and when I opened my eyes I felt awake since a long time. I showered and wrote some letters and at 12 we had HDO (host drop off)
12:15-1:15pm: Afternoon Meeting (10 min. Jewish Presentation)
First a long meeting and after that rehearsel. I had PR seminars. Getting really excited about going on PR. october 7th I will leave for Butte, Montana!
1:15 - 1:30pm: Prep
1:30 - 5:00pm: Rehearsal
5:00pm: Dinner - Bend High School
5:00pm: House closed
5:30pm: Band time
5:45pm: Sellers Greenroom
6:00pm: House Opens
6:40pm: Green Room
7:00pm: "Rhythm of the World"
Following show: Crew1 - Intervieuws / Crew 2 - Host Family evening / Crew 3 - Strike
After the show I had to do my first intervieuws. Terry was there with me and she was a great help to me. I felt pretty nervous but it turned out OK. Tomorrow we have to get up at 4:30 to get ready for a travel day to Emmett.
september 16th 1991
7:45am: HDO - Bend High School
8:00am: Good Morning Bend
8:15am: Prep
8:30 - 12:30: Crew 1&2 - Activity / Crew 3 - Set-Up
CID at a shelter for abused wiman today (or woman..?!?!?sorry). Once we were there it seemed we did not get to meet with any of them. All we did was repaint the house and fix things. We had a lot of fun though.
12:30 - 1:30pm: Lunch - Bend High Cafeteria
1:30 - 2:30pm: Mexican Independance Presentation
2:30 - 3:00pm: Afternoon Meeting
3:00 - 3:15pm: Prep
3:15 - 5:00pm: Rehearsel
5:00 - 6:00pm: Dinner - Bend High Cafeteria
This afternoon I have had a chat with David and made a phonecall with 1800 FLY CHEAP. Already making plans for christmasbreak.... There were some options; we could go with the UWP bus and travel with Karen to Orlando, or travel on your own or whatever. So I made a call for ticket info and guess what???
A one way ticket is 567 US Dollars, and a return ticket only 330 US Dollar. Very strange, but as you can imagine I will buy me a return ticket, but I will never return...LOL ;-)
5:00pm: Quote from Søren: "The House is closed!".
5:30pm: Band Time
5:45pm: Sellers Green Room
6:00pm: House Opens
6:40pm: Green Room
7:00pm: "Rhythm of the World" - Hostfamilie reception following the show. Everyone should attend!
The show was super tonight. The crowd was totally going nuts.
Tomorow I'll be doing my firts intervieuws...
8:00am: Good Morning Bend
8:15am: Prep
8:30 - 12:30: Crew 1&2 - Activity / Crew 3 - Set-Up
CID at a shelter for abused wiman today (or woman..?!?!?sorry). Once we were there it seemed we did not get to meet with any of them. All we did was repaint the house and fix things. We had a lot of fun though.
12:30 - 1:30pm: Lunch - Bend High Cafeteria
1:30 - 2:30pm: Mexican Independance Presentation
2:30 - 3:00pm: Afternoon Meeting
3:00 - 3:15pm: Prep
3:15 - 5:00pm: Rehearsel
5:00 - 6:00pm: Dinner - Bend High Cafeteria
This afternoon I have had a chat with David and made a phonecall with 1800 FLY CHEAP. Already making plans for christmasbreak.... There were some options; we could go with the UWP bus and travel with Karen to Orlando, or travel on your own or whatever. So I made a call for ticket info and guess what???
A one way ticket is 567 US Dollars, and a return ticket only 330 US Dollar. Very strange, but as you can imagine I will buy me a return ticket, but I will never return...LOL ;-)
5:00pm: Quote from Søren: "The House is closed!".
5:30pm: Band Time
5:45pm: Sellers Green Room
6:00pm: House Opens
6:40pm: Green Room
7:00pm: "Rhythm of the World" - Hostfamilie reception following the show. Everyone should attend!
The show was super tonight. The crowd was totally going nuts.
Tomorow I'll be doing my firts intervieuws...
september 15th 1991
7:30am: H.D.O. - Bayshore Mall
8:00am: Depart for Bend
7:00pm: Cast arrival into Bend (PR Team; Aya Biyajima - Kristin Clelan and Paula Kennedy)
7:30pm: Host Pick-up at Bend High School
We had a long travelday today. I have slept the first three hours of the trip. Toiletbreak (in line ofcourse) and back to sleep untill 12 o'clock. This was just me catching up my sleep, though most of the traveldays everybody is snorring their way up to the next city. Usually I'd like to see some of the great vieuws we pass on our way.
I am allocated with Kadra Edmonds and Michelle Magyer (hostcode: tacky tie)
In two days we'll have another free morning, so there are more chances of cathing up sleep. We are in Bend, Oregon today.
All the girls received a beautifull orchid from a UWP allumnus who lives in Bend, and is working in a flower shop. Tomorrow we'll have community involvement day (C.I.D. for those who had forgotten...hahaha)
8:00am: Depart for Bend
7:00pm: Cast arrival into Bend (PR Team; Aya Biyajima - Kristin Clelan and Paula Kennedy)
7:30pm: Host Pick-up at Bend High School
We had a long travelday today. I have slept the first three hours of the trip. Toiletbreak (in line ofcourse) and back to sleep untill 12 o'clock. This was just me catching up my sleep, though most of the traveldays everybody is snorring their way up to the next city. Usually I'd like to see some of the great vieuws we pass on our way.
I am allocated with Kadra Edmonds and Michelle Magyer (hostcode: tacky tie)
In two days we'll have another free morning, so there are more chances of cathing up sleep. We are in Bend, Oregon today.
All the girls received a beautifull orchid from a UWP allumnus who lives in Bend, and is working in a flower shop. Tomorrow we'll have community involvement day (C.I.D. for those who had forgotten...hahaha)
september 14th 1991
8:15am: Staff Drop off
8:30am: Host Drop off
8:45am: Good morning
9:00am: Prep
9:15am: Cast Meeting with Brenda
Our hostmam had made some special souvenirs for us girls. We left a kindda late and when we thought we arrived at the right place it turned out to be the wrong place.... Get into the car and drive up to another place. We arrived a little late and Brenda Palm had already started the meeting.
11:15am: 2 buses depart for lunch - Kings Table Buffet
11:30am: Last bus departs for lunch
12:30pm: 2 buses return to auditorium For lunch we had to get into the bus. After luch we had one hour free time wich I always spend to keep up with my journal, and writing letters to my friends and familie.
12:45pm: Last bus returns to auditorium
1:00pm: Afternoon meeting
2:00pm: Prep
2:15pm: Rehearsal
5:00pm: Dinner - You will need you plates!
6:00pm: Band and Sellers
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Green room
7:30pm: Show Time
9:45pm: Crew 1 - Intervieuws That's me / Crew 2 - Hostfamily evening / Crew 3 - Strike
1:00am: Host Pick Up Crews 1 & 3
The show went very well today. I am exhausted so I'll take a shower and because I was awake early this morning I was able to prepare packing my suitcase wich means I can get into bed early (this time ;-)
Tomorrow We'll travel to Bend!
8:30am: Host Drop off
8:45am: Good morning
9:00am: Prep
9:15am: Cast Meeting with Brenda
Our hostmam had made some special souvenirs for us girls. We left a kindda late and when we thought we arrived at the right place it turned out to be the wrong place.... Get into the car and drive up to another place. We arrived a little late and Brenda Palm had already started the meeting.
11:15am: 2 buses depart for lunch - Kings Table Buffet
11:30am: Last bus departs for lunch
12:30pm: 2 buses return to auditorium For lunch we had to get into the bus. After luch we had one hour free time wich I always spend to keep up with my journal, and writing letters to my friends and familie.
12:45pm: Last bus returns to auditorium
1:00pm: Afternoon meeting
2:00pm: Prep
2:15pm: Rehearsal
5:00pm: Dinner - You will need you plates!
6:00pm: Band and Sellers
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Green room
7:30pm: Show Time
9:45pm: Crew 1 - Intervieuws That's me / Crew 2 - Hostfamily evening / Crew 3 - Strike
1:00am: Host Pick Up Crews 1 & 3
The show went very well today. I am exhausted so I'll take a shower and because I was awake early this morning I was able to prepare packing my suitcase wich means I can get into bed early (this time ;-)
Tomorrow We'll travel to Bend!
september 13th 1991
Friday 13th (What is special about this day???)
7:45am: HDO - Municipal Auditorium
8:00am: Good Morning Eureka!!! - Mini Auditorium
This morning we have been drawing lots (I hope this is the right translation ;-) for "secret palls". I have pulled Kristen Hogan, and I don't even know her, as we have never had a chat yet. We are supposed to surprise our secret pall, to get to know each other.
8:15am: Prep
8:30am: Crew3: Set-up - Rest of the cast will be splitting into their different activities
12:30pm: Crew 3 - Lunch - bring plates - Mini Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
Group 1 - This group will be involved with two special elemantary school. Spending some time with the elementary students telling them about you country as well doing crafts will be some of the activities you will be doing. Dress nice for this activity.
8:30am: Depart for Cutten School
8:45am: Arrice at Cutten
10:30am: Depart for Glenn Paul School
10:45am: Arrive at Glenn Paul School
11:45am: Lunch at Glenn Paul School
12:45pm: Depart for Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
Group 2 - That's me! This group will be touring Pacific Lumber one of the largest timber mills in the erea. After the mill tour you will be seeing "The Avenue of the Giants". Bring you camera's and dress in clothes suitable for walking.
The first part of the show really sucked! We all totally missed the right rythem (not of the world...hahaha) and stopped singing, and also our sweet relyable sequenser stoped....
But we had a fun day!
7:45am: HDO - Municipal Auditorium
8:00am: Good Morning Eureka!!! - Mini Auditorium
This morning we have been drawing lots (I hope this is the right translation ;-) for "secret palls". I have pulled Kristen Hogan, and I don't even know her, as we have never had a chat yet. We are supposed to surprise our secret pall, to get to know each other.
8:15am: Prep
8:30am: Crew3: Set-up - Rest of the cast will be splitting into their different activities
12:30pm: Crew 3 - Lunch - bring plates - Mini Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
Group 1 - This group will be involved with two special elemantary school. Spending some time with the elementary students telling them about you country as well doing crafts will be some of the activities you will be doing. Dress nice for this activity.
8:30am: Depart for Cutten School
8:45am: Arrice at Cutten
10:30am: Depart for Glenn Paul School
10:45am: Arrive at Glenn Paul School
11:45am: Lunch at Glenn Paul School
12:45pm: Depart for Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
Group 2 - That's me! This group will be touring Pacific Lumber one of the largest timber mills in the erea. After the mill tour you will be seeing "The Avenue of the Giants". Bring you camera's and dress in clothes suitable for walking.
8:30am: Depart for Pacific Lumber
9:15am: Pacific Lumber Tour
10:45am: Depart for "Avenue of the Giants"
Crew I visited a wood factory and after that tour we have seen a small piece of the "Red Wood Forrest". What huge trees! A very long time ago during a storm 7 of those big trees fel down in just 10 minutes. Like big dominoos.
11:45am: Depart for Auditorium
12:30pm: Lunch - Bring plates - Municipal Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
Group 3 - This group will be visiting the Recycle Center and the forestry nursery. They will have lunch at the Water Renewal Center wich is also a bird sanctuary. Dress in clothes that can get dirty.
8:30am: Depart for Forestry Nursery
10:30am: Depart for Arcata Communitiy
11:15am: Depart for Waste Water - Renewal Plant/Bird Sactuary
12:00pm: Lunch at the Renewal Plant/Bird Sactuary
1:00pm: Depart for Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
After lunch we all changed into summer/swimsuits and have had a fun rehearsel. We even did some limbo dancing. (pictures anyone????)
2:15pm: Prep
2:30pm: Meditation
3:30pm: Rehearsel
5:00pm: Dinner - Auditorium
6:00pm: Band and Sellers
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Green Room
7:30pm: Show time
9:45pm: Host Pick Up
8:30am: Depart for Forestry Nursery
10:30am: Depart for Arcata Communitiy
11:15am: Depart for Waste Water - Renewal Plant/Bird Sactuary
12:00pm: Lunch at the Renewal Plant/Bird Sactuary
1:00pm: Depart for Auditorium
1:30pm: Afternoon Cast Meeting - Auditorium
After lunch we all changed into summer/swimsuits and have had a fun rehearsel. We even did some limbo dancing. (pictures anyone????)
2:15pm: Prep
2:30pm: Meditation
3:30pm: Rehearsel
5:00pm: Dinner - Auditorium
6:00pm: Band and Sellers
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Green Room
7:30pm: Show time
9:45pm: Host Pick Up
The first part of the show really sucked! We all totally missed the right rythem (not of the world...hahaha) and stopped singing, and also our sweet relyable sequenser stoped....
But we had a fun day!
september 12th 1991
* Breakfast with your hostfamilies
* Don't forget you sack lunch!
8:00am: HDO - Redding Convention Center Parking Lot
8:30am: Wave goodbye to Redding and head for Eureka, CA! (PR team - Maurits Regouin - Shennon Simpell - Pete Taylor.
We have had a beautifull trip through the mountains. I loved the beautifull trees and the water. We had a stop for about an hour at a beach. I have been writing letters. After that we have been shopping and about 6:30 we met our hostfamilies.
5:00pm: Cast arrives at Host Pick Up
6:00pm: Host Pick Up!!! - Go out and watch the kites flying in skies and find your host's. have a fun evening.
We had to search kites with our hostfamilies name on it. My hostfamilie is very interesting. They are indians and live in Trinidad. This is half an hour drive to Eureka, but it is very beautifull up here. They live very close to the ocean with huge rocks in it, beautifull sunsets, and seals.
I am allocated with Kerrie, Evi, Christian and Matt. (In my hostfamiliebook my hostmom is talking about "you three girls" Wich one of you stayed with me in Trinidad??? (this can't be Christian)
Tomorrow we gotta get up at about 6.
* Don't forget you sack lunch!
8:00am: HDO - Redding Convention Center Parking Lot
8:30am: Wave goodbye to Redding and head for Eureka, CA! (PR team - Maurits Regouin - Shennon Simpell - Pete Taylor.
We have had a beautifull trip through the mountains. I loved the beautifull trees and the water. We had a stop for about an hour at a beach. I have been writing letters. After that we have been shopping and about 6:30 we met our hostfamilies.
5:00pm: Cast arrives at Host Pick Up
6:00pm: Host Pick Up!!! - Go out and watch the kites flying in skies and find your host's. have a fun evening.
We had to search kites with our hostfamilies name on it. My hostfamilie is very interesting. They are indians and live in Trinidad. This is half an hour drive to Eureka, but it is very beautifull up here. They live very close to the ocean with huge rocks in it, beautifull sunsets, and seals.
I am allocated with Kerrie, Evi, Christian and Matt. (In my hostfamiliebook my hostmom is talking about "you three girls" Wich one of you stayed with me in Trinidad??? (this can't be Christian)
Tomorrow we gotta get up at about 6.
september 12th 1991 Tim kerber Special Edition***
Things I've learned on P.R.
- 90 degrees is no longer hot. 109 in a car without air conditioning is hot!
- Swiss people don't burp. (Americans do)
- Heather has a difficult job. So does Nana... and Paul... and Maja
- It is very important to remember you are in Up With People when a car cuts out in front of you. It is also very hard to smile at them.
- You must be flexible on P.R. That way when you rebook and cancel hotels repeatly, they can't twist your head off. (it just kind of spins around)
- On P.R. you get to line up some really neat stuff. Unfortunately, you are too busy to be allowed to go with the cast, when they do them.
- 4 out of 5 P.R. teams drink Diet Coke. It's v-v-e-r-r-y-s-s-t-i-muatling.
- I've decided not to give up my police career to become a rapper. (My P.R. team begged me until I promised)
- On P.R. you learn to steer a conversation away from any topic and somehow end up promoting the upcoming show.
- Americans say "a watched pot never boils". that doens't do justice to describe getting ticket sales updates. They do sell, just don't under estimate show time ticket sales!
- And finally P.R. is hard. But also very fun, I recommend it!
September 11th 1991
I cannot start this blog today without saying anything about what has happend 9 years ago. It is just such a big tragedy. All the people involved in this are in my thoughts. Every year, over and over again. Let's all just hope that anything like this will never ever happen again!
Heal the word. Make it a better place.
* Breakfast with your host families
* Don't forget thos plates!
8:00am: Staff briefing - same room as Tuesday - Redding Convention Center
8:15am: HDO at the Redding Convention Center
8:30am: Morning briefing - get excited for another day!
8:45am: Prep
9:00am: Cast meeting in the downstairs lobby. Nana will be explaining the wonderfull, wild, and wacky marketing department! Also, this is band rehearsal time!
10:00am: Janet Tyrell, a Professional management Consultant, will be leading us in group communication activities. Let's get to know one another and see how much we can accomplish!
* Staff meeting in room #314 with Brenda.
12:00pm: Lunch - Grab that same 'ole blade of grass by "The River"!
Menu: Beans (please be aware that you'll be very close during the show!) - Salad - Tortilla Chips and Salsa
1:00pm: Afternoon meeting
2:00pm: Change for rehearsel
2:15pm: Rehearsal on stage
5:00pm: Dinner - guess where? Follow the sound of the river!
6:30pm: Tone up those instruments on stage/Merch maniacs meet
7:00pm: Hundreds of people are taking their seats and awaiting a dymnamic performance!
8:00pm: It's showtime again!
Tonights show turned out much better than last night. Tracy (my hostsister) picked me up after the show.
It is almost two at night and I've got loads to do. My pictures are develloped and look great.
Today we mostly have had meetings. There was mail too, and I received a package from Raymond (my love back than, and husband now). I miss him so much (allready). We have been talking for some time with Remco and after that Tracy took me to a beautifull place were we could watch the citylights.
Tomorrow we'll travel to Eureka.
Crew 1: 10:15pm: HPU - Have a great evening with you HF's
Crew 2: 10:15pm: Strike that set down! (12:30am: HF's will pick you up)
Crew 3: 10:15pm: Meet in Room #126 to prepare for intervieuws. (12:30am: HF's will pick you up)
Heal the word. Make it a better place.
* Breakfast with your host families
* Don't forget thos plates!
8:00am: Staff briefing - same room as Tuesday - Redding Convention Center
8:15am: HDO at the Redding Convention Center
8:30am: Morning briefing - get excited for another day!
8:45am: Prep
9:00am: Cast meeting in the downstairs lobby. Nana will be explaining the wonderfull, wild, and wacky marketing department! Also, this is band rehearsal time!
10:00am: Janet Tyrell, a Professional management Consultant, will be leading us in group communication activities. Let's get to know one another and see how much we can accomplish!
* Staff meeting in room #314 with Brenda.
12:00pm: Lunch - Grab that same 'ole blade of grass by "The River"!
Menu: Beans (please be aware that you'll be very close during the show!) - Salad - Tortilla Chips and Salsa
1:00pm: Afternoon meeting
2:00pm: Change for rehearsel
2:15pm: Rehearsal on stage
5:00pm: Dinner - guess where? Follow the sound of the river!
6:30pm: Tone up those instruments on stage/Merch maniacs meet
7:00pm: Hundreds of people are taking their seats and awaiting a dymnamic performance!
8:00pm: It's showtime again!
Tonights show turned out much better than last night. Tracy (my hostsister) picked me up after the show.
It is almost two at night and I've got loads to do. My pictures are develloped and look great.
Today we mostly have had meetings. There was mail too, and I received a package from Raymond (my love back than, and husband now). I miss him so much (allready). We have been talking for some time with Remco and after that Tracy took me to a beautifull place were we could watch the citylights.
Tomorrow we'll travel to Eureka.
Crew 1: 10:15pm: HPU - Have a great evening with you HF's
Crew 2: 10:15pm: Strike that set down! (12:30am: HF's will pick you up)
Crew 3: 10:15pm: Meet in Room #126 to prepare for intervieuws. (12:30am: HF's will pick you up)
september 10th 1991
* Breakfast with your hostfamilies
* Please bring your plates for lunch and dinner
* Staff management Meeting
8:00 am: Staff briefing in the dressing room off stage left. (Redding Convention Center)
8:15 am: HDO at Redding Convention Center
8:30 am: Good morning Redding - meeting in auditirium
8:45 am: Prep
9:00 am: Crew 2 Set-up! Crew 1 & 3 Meet in the downstairs lobby for a panel discussion on drugs. This will be very informative and interesting.
Today was a very interesting day. We had a presentation about addictions. There were 3 guest speakers (2 man and 1 woman) who had been addicted. One of them had almost killed himselve 2 times by using drugs.The other man was addicted to alcohol and the woman had been sexualy abused as a child by her parent(s). To make her live easier she started using drugs. When she turned 16 she got married so she could leave her house, and than her husband raped her. Now she has a son who is in prison because of the use of drugs and alcohol..... Pfff
While reading/writing this I wonder why some people have so muck bad luck all their live... being abused by your own parents is bad enough.... I feel so sorry for this woman, and all the people who have to live in so much pain and negative energie while so young you should be tought love and respect by your parents instead of anger and pain!
* Please bring your plates for lunch and dinner
* Staff management Meeting
8:00 am: Staff briefing in the dressing room off stage left. (Redding Convention Center)
8:15 am: HDO at Redding Convention Center
8:30 am: Good morning Redding - meeting in auditirium
8:45 am: Prep
9:00 am: Crew 2 Set-up! Crew 1 & 3 Meet in the downstairs lobby for a panel discussion on drugs. This will be very informative and interesting.
Today was a very interesting day. We had a presentation about addictions. There were 3 guest speakers (2 man and 1 woman) who had been addicted. One of them had almost killed himselve 2 times by using drugs.The other man was addicted to alcohol and the woman had been sexualy abused as a child by her parent(s). To make her live easier she started using drugs. When she turned 16 she got married so she could leave her house, and than her husband raped her. Now she has a son who is in prison because of the use of drugs and alcohol..... Pfff
While reading/writing this I wonder why some people have so muck bad luck all their live... being abused by your own parents is bad enough.... I feel so sorry for this woman, and all the people who have to live in so much pain and negative energie while so young you should be tought love and respect by your parents instead of anger and pain!
- 10:30am: Break Time
- 10:45am: Gather in the downstairs lobby to walk over to the roller skating rink. (Viking Skate Country)
- 10:50am: Arrive and enjoy some pure, un-adulterated skating (that means FUN)
- 12:25pm: Walk back to the Convention Center for lunch.
- 12:30pm: Lunch outside the Convention Center by the river - don't forget your plates! In case of rain at any meal, we'll load the buses.
- Menu: Sweet and Sour Chicken / Vegatables / Fortune Cookie
- 1:30pm: Afternoon meeting in the downstairs lobby
- 2:15pm: Prep / Break
- 2.30pm: Rehearsal on stage
- 5:00pm: Dinner-by-the-River....again
- 6:30pm: Bandtime on stage.Merch Wonderland
- 7:00pm: Greenroom - Don't miss this exciting premiere performance by the Shasta High Madrigal Choir!
- 8:00pm: Let the "Rhythm of the World" sound!
- 10:15pm: Everyone attends the Friends' Reception in the downstairs lobby. Be sure to remind your host families that they're invited! After the reception, you FREE to go home
september 9th 1991
This morning we had to say goodbye to our Folsom hostfamilie.
8:00am: Host Drop off
8:30am: Depart for Redding via Lake Tahoe - Don't forget your sack lunch!!!
It was a long travelday again. We had a short break at a Casino city..... Yes I have gambled and won ( $ 5,= Whohoo)
5:30pm: Arrive at HPU, unload luggage, and begin staff briefing. The staff briefing will be in a room off stage left. (Foothill High School Auditiorium)
5:45 pm: City briefing in the auditorium. Hello Redding!
6:15 pm: HPU in the auditorium lobby. Start learning your German for next semester. Enjoy the evening with you host families!
My hostfamilie is very kind, and my hostsister (16 years) has her driver licence and drives like an idiote. That feels very strange because in the Netherlands you have to be 18 untill you are allowed to drive. My hostsister and me went over to her friend. They are hosting too.... Nikki and Elaina were there. They live in a huge house. My eyes just popped out... This time i am hosted alone, and have to say I like it (for now). It is almost two o'clock at night right now, and we are in Redding, California. This city we will perform 2 shows. Tomorrow will be our first!
8:00am: Host Drop off
8:30am: Depart for Redding via Lake Tahoe - Don't forget your sack lunch!!!
It was a long travelday again. We had a short break at a Casino city..... Yes I have gambled and won ( $ 5,= Whohoo)
5:30pm: Arrive at HPU, unload luggage, and begin staff briefing. The staff briefing will be in a room off stage left. (Foothill High School Auditiorium)
5:45 pm: City briefing in the auditorium. Hello Redding!
6:15 pm: HPU in the auditorium lobby. Start learning your German for next semester. Enjoy the evening with you host families!
My hostfamilie is very kind, and my hostsister (16 years) has her driver licence and drives like an idiote. That feels very strange because in the Netherlands you have to be 18 untill you are allowed to drive. My hostsister and me went over to her friend. They are hosting too.... Nikki and Elaina were there. They live in a huge house. My eyes just popped out... This time i am hosted alone, and have to say I like it (for now). It is almost two o'clock at night right now, and we are in Redding, California. This city we will perform 2 shows. Tomorrow will be our first!
september 8th 1991
I have a terrible mustle ache today from rafting and a bad sunburn on my back. Today we had a showday in the Dan Russel Rodeo Arena (outdoor).
8:00am: Staff Drop-off - Dan Russell Rodeo Arena
8:25am: Host Drop-off
8:30am: Good Morning Folsom
8:45am: Crew 1 Set Up
We had to wait for one and a half hour before we could even start to set up all the equipments. I am in crew 1, wich means I had to do set-up & strike for 3 city's.
9:00am: Crew 2 & Crew 3 - Two busses depart for activity at Folsom Chamber of Commerce.
9:30am: Guest speaker will be Associate Warden John Depue who will speak about Folsom Prison, its history and where it is today.
10:30am: Activity Crew - Free time in Historical Sutter Street, looking at "Old Folsom".
11:45am: Buses depart for Dan Russel
12:00am: Free time (1/2 hour) Today we received mail. I got loads today.
12:30pm: Lunch - Folsom Park next to Dan Russel - BBQ Hamburgers - Salad - Soda and Cake
1:30pm: Afternoon meeting
2:30pm: Prep
2:45pm: Rehearsal
5:00pm: Dinner - Cold Cuts - Bread - Salad - Corn Chips and Salsa - Fruit - Soda
6:00pm: Band time
6:15pm: Gates open
7:00pm: Green room
7:30pm: SHOW TIME!
9:30pm: Crew 1 Strike - Crew 2 Intervieuws - Crew 3 Host Family Evening
This was my last set up & Strike city. I was standing inside the truck on a platform and while loading the truck I forgot about that and fell down. Did not hurt myselve though.
12:30am: Host Pick-up Crew 1 & 2
It is two o'clock at night right now, gotta take a shower and than get some sleep. Tomorrow is a traval day to Redding!
Redding team: Cindy Mc Creary - Tim Kerber - Evi Jossi
BTW Today I heard I am going on PR to Butte Montana (with Aimee Brints).
I have a terrible mustle ache today from rafting and a bad sunburn on my back. Today we had a showday in the Dan Russel Rodeo Arena (outdoor).
8:00am: Staff Drop-off - Dan Russell Rodeo Arena
8:25am: Host Drop-off
8:30am: Good Morning Folsom
8:45am: Crew 1 Set Up
We had to wait for one and a half hour before we could even start to set up all the equipments. I am in crew 1, wich means I had to do set-up & strike for 3 city's.
9:00am: Crew 2 & Crew 3 - Two busses depart for activity at Folsom Chamber of Commerce.
9:30am: Guest speaker will be Associate Warden John Depue who will speak about Folsom Prison, its history and where it is today.
10:30am: Activity Crew - Free time in Historical Sutter Street, looking at "Old Folsom".
11:45am: Buses depart for Dan Russel
12:00am: Free time (1/2 hour) Today we received mail. I got loads today.
12:30pm: Lunch - Folsom Park next to Dan Russel - BBQ Hamburgers - Salad - Soda and Cake
1:30pm: Afternoon meeting
2:30pm: Prep
2:45pm: Rehearsal
5:00pm: Dinner - Cold Cuts - Bread - Salad - Corn Chips and Salsa - Fruit - Soda
6:00pm: Band time
6:15pm: Gates open
7:00pm: Green room
7:30pm: SHOW TIME!
9:30pm: Crew 1 Strike - Crew 2 Intervieuws - Crew 3 Host Family Evening
This was my last set up & Strike city. I was standing inside the truck on a platform and while loading the truck I forgot about that and fell down. Did not hurt myselve though.
12:30am: Host Pick-up Crew 1 & 2
It is two o'clock at night right now, gotta take a shower and than get some sleep. Tomorrow is a traval day to Redding!
Redding team: Cindy Mc Creary - Tim Kerber - Evi Jossi
BTW Today I heard I am going on PR to Butte Montana (with Aimee Brints).
september 7th 1991
FREE DAY! (Sleep, sleep or maybe sleep)
Some activities that are fun include a visit to the zoo, rafting on the American River or shopping at Sunrise Mall or the Factory Outlets.
Advance Marketing Crew - See your alternate schedule for Saturday.
My day started at eight. Pancakes for breakfast and at 10 o'clock Nickey LaFramboise and her hostfamilie came to pick us up for a rafting trip. (Never done that before). Once we arrived at the river we found out that we needed an ID, wich I did not have on me. We had to make a phonecall and Nickey's hostmom came and brought our ID. At 12 we went into the water. I was really cool to do. Every now and than it got really wild and the river was filled with big rocks. We had to be carefull to keep the boat in one piece. Besides the rough parts it was nice and relaxing too. We had a really bad sunburn. We got home at 5, and I took a swim with Gøril. At 6:30 Jennifer Moore, Lori Torlone and Sofia came over for a little party. We had a great day.
By the way, I think this picture was taken this day (for my single brother in law:-) These 4 lady's have been writing him a letter too. In my hostfamilie book my hostmom wrote (I quote) I am sure this letter will not be nearly as "exciting" as the one you and your friends wrote in my house last night. I must admit, I've never seen such energy go into 1 letter before.
For anyone who would like to know where this letter went, just check out his website.... (you can also see great pictures of the Netherlands)
Some activities that are fun include a visit to the zoo, rafting on the American River or shopping at Sunrise Mall or the Factory Outlets.
Advance Marketing Crew - See your alternate schedule for Saturday.
My day started at eight. Pancakes for breakfast and at 10 o'clock Nickey LaFramboise and her hostfamilie came to pick us up for a rafting trip. (Never done that before). Once we arrived at the river we found out that we needed an ID, wich I did not have on me. We had to make a phonecall and Nickey's hostmom came and brought our ID. At 12 we went into the water. I was really cool to do. Every now and than it got really wild and the river was filled with big rocks. We had to be carefull to keep the boat in one piece. Besides the rough parts it was nice and relaxing too. We had a really bad sunburn. We got home at 5, and I took a swim with Gøril. At 6:30 Jennifer Moore, Lori Torlone and Sofia came over for a little party. We had a great day.
By the way, I think this picture was taken this day (for my single brother in law:-) These 4 lady's have been writing him a letter too. In my hostfamilie book my hostmom wrote (I quote) I am sure this letter will not be nearly as "exciting" as the one you and your friends wrote in my house last night. I must admit, I've never seen such energy go into 1 letter before.
For anyone who would like to know where this letter went, just check out his website.... (you can also see great pictures of the Netherlands)
september 6th 1991
Travelday to Folsom!
At 5 o'clock my alarm went off. Time to get ready! We made breakfast and lunch and said goodbye to our "Ranch" hostfamilie in Turlock. Before we left we took a grouppicture. (The one on the first blog).
7:30am: Host Drop Off - First United Methodist Church (Bring a sack lunch)
8:00am: Buses leave Turlock, CA on our way to PR Team - Alastair Cameron - Mikaela Grönholm - Andrew Hafer - Michelle Magyar
At about 11 we reached the Golden Gate Bridge. We had 15 minute break to take pictures, buy souvenirs and go to the bathroom (always in line for that one...). 15 minutes is way to short for some people. There was a long line for the counter to buy souvenirs. We had to go back for the bus, but hey! I usualy don't get to the Golden Gate Bridge daily so I needed that souvenir! The bus will wait for a few more minutes....just 2 in front of me.... 1 in front of me.... and yes, the bus is leaving....... without me and one or two others.... Darn....All my stuff is in that bus. My passport, and everything I need....
After a few minutes the bus came back, and yes, the message was clear..... Always have to get back in time ;-)
Untill four we had time to go see San Fransisco. It was awsome. I bought a shirt at the Hard Rock Café and did a little shopping. Went up and down the streets with the tram and I have seen lots of great places together with Fabiene and ???gotta look that up ;-( (Sorry)
"Dear Cast C - 1991/92
Although time has been limited we were able to visit San Fransisco. We made it back out of Alcatraz, and we got to sample some of the famous Clam Chowder at Fisherman's Wharf that Alastair had been talking about for weeks. Hop you had some on you way here.
This will be the first of many outdoor shows you will do and we hope you have a great time "under the stars".
PR Team - Alastair Cameron - Mikaela Grönholm - Andrew Hafer - Michelle Magyar
7:30pm: Cast arrives in Folsom - Staff circle - allocation meeting
8:00pm: Host Pick-up I am allocated with Goril and our hostcode is BANANA !?!?!?
My new hostfamilie is fantastic. They have to little kids (so sweet). This is their first time of hosting. We have been watching "Home alone" and the little boy fel asleep. I was tired too, and we're going for a rafting trip tomorrow, so I have to hit the sack now!
At 5 o'clock my alarm went off. Time to get ready! We made breakfast and lunch and said goodbye to our "Ranch" hostfamilie in Turlock. Before we left we took a grouppicture. (The one on the first blog).
7:30am: Host Drop Off - First United Methodist Church (Bring a sack lunch)
8:00am: Buses leave Turlock, CA on our way to PR Team - Alastair Cameron - Mikaela Grönholm - Andrew Hafer - Michelle Magyar
At about 11 we reached the Golden Gate Bridge. We had 15 minute break to take pictures, buy souvenirs and go to the bathroom (always in line for that one...). 15 minutes is way to short for some people. There was a long line for the counter to buy souvenirs. We had to go back for the bus, but hey! I usualy don't get to the Golden Gate Bridge daily so I needed that souvenir! The bus will wait for a few more minutes....just 2 in front of me.... 1 in front of me.... and yes, the bus is leaving....... without me and one or two others.... Darn....All my stuff is in that bus. My passport, and everything I need....
After a few minutes the bus came back, and yes, the message was clear..... Always have to get back in time ;-)
Untill four we had time to go see San Fransisco. It was awsome. I bought a shirt at the Hard Rock Café and did a little shopping. Went up and down the streets with the tram and I have seen lots of great places together with Fabiene and ???gotta look that up ;-( (Sorry)
"Dear Cast C - 1991/92
Although time has been limited we were able to visit San Fransisco. We made it back out of Alcatraz, and we got to sample some of the famous Clam Chowder at Fisherman's Wharf that Alastair had been talking about for weeks. Hop you had some on you way here.
This will be the first of many outdoor shows you will do and we hope you have a great time "under the stars".
PR Team - Alastair Cameron - Mikaela Grönholm - Andrew Hafer - Michelle Magyar
7:30pm: Cast arrives in Folsom - Staff circle - allocation meeting
8:00pm: Host Pick-up I am allocated with Goril and our hostcode is BANANA !?!?!?
My new hostfamilie is fantastic. They have to little kids (so sweet). This is their first time of hosting. We have been watching "Home alone" and the little boy fel asleep. I was tired too, and we're going for a rafting trip tomorrow, so I have to hit the sack now!
september 5th 1991
We have a special lunch today - Please bring nice clothes
7:45am: HDO for everyone - Turlock High School Boy's Gym
8:00pm: Good morning Turlock! This morning we started out with a meeting.
8:15pm: Prep time
Crew 2:
8:30am: Set up
11:30am: Change to nice clothes for lunch
11:45am: Bus departs promptly for lunch
Crew A: That is me!
8:30am: Get playback system from Crew 2
9:00am: Load buses
9:10am: Leave for Hilmar Cheese
9:30am: Tour of Hilmar Cheese Campany
At about 10 o'clock we left for an American Cheese factory. They did not show uw how the cheese was made, but they did show us how the finish it up. At the end of the tour we all received a free cap.
10:30am: Load buses and go to the Gardens Restaurant (at staff Hotel)
11:00am: Arrice at The Gardens Restaurant - Set up playback system and rehears for luncheon show
Crew B:
8:30am: Load buses - TAKE BOOM BOX & UWP TAPE!!
8:45am: Arrive at Crowell Elementary School
9:00am: The first of two 30-min. assemblies for several hundred students. The school wasnt to emphasize the international aspect of UWP and have a lot of student involvement. Talk about your differen countries and regions, and teach them the UWP song.
9:45am: Second assembly
10:30am: Bus returns to Turlock High School - Then free time
11:40am: Leave for lunch
12:00pm: Assyrian Lunch - We are guests of the Turlock Rotary CLub. Each of their members is buying lunch for two of us. They also are a former sponsor and rescheduled their planned guest speaker, so we could be their main program.
After the factory we visited the rotary club and had lunch together. I almost fel asleep during lunch....
1:00pm: Crew A puts on a 20-minute Luncheon Program. Someone should introduce the cast, talk about what Cast C has done so far during staging and on the road, where the tour will take us, and encourage them to come to the show. Three of four numbers will be performed (No Costumes).
1:30pm: Thank Hosts and load buses
2:00pm: Afternoon Meeting in Boy's Gym
2:45pm: Prep
3:00pm: Rehearsal We went back to the sportshal and during rehearsel we did a run through of half the show.
5:00pm: Dinner - Togo's Sandwiches on the field behind the gym We had diner and had to get ready for the show.
6:00pm: Band time & Sellers Greenroom
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Greenroom on the field At seven we had greenroom (C's allright, C'allright, C'allright with me...)
7:30pm: "Rhythm of the World"
After show
PS This picture is from the official UWP site. Check out
We have a special lunch today - Please bring nice clothes
7:45am: HDO for everyone - Turlock High School Boy's Gym
8:00pm: Good morning Turlock! This morning we started out with a meeting.
8:15pm: Prep time
Crew 2:
8:30am: Set up
11:30am: Change to nice clothes for lunch
11:45am: Bus departs promptly for lunch
Crew A: That is me!
8:30am: Get playback system from Crew 2
9:00am: Load buses
9:10am: Leave for Hilmar Cheese
9:30am: Tour of Hilmar Cheese Campany
At about 10 o'clock we left for an American Cheese factory. They did not show uw how the cheese was made, but they did show us how the finish it up. At the end of the tour we all received a free cap.
10:30am: Load buses and go to the Gardens Restaurant (at staff Hotel)
11:00am: Arrice at The Gardens Restaurant - Set up playback system and rehears for luncheon show
Crew B:
8:30am: Load buses - TAKE BOOM BOX & UWP TAPE!!
8:45am: Arrive at Crowell Elementary School
9:00am: The first of two 30-min. assemblies for several hundred students. The school wasnt to emphasize the international aspect of UWP and have a lot of student involvement. Talk about your differen countries and regions, and teach them the UWP song.
9:45am: Second assembly
10:30am: Bus returns to Turlock High School - Then free time
11:40am: Leave for lunch
12:00pm: Assyrian Lunch - We are guests of the Turlock Rotary CLub. Each of their members is buying lunch for two of us. They also are a former sponsor and rescheduled their planned guest speaker, so we could be their main program.
After the factory we visited the rotary club and had lunch together. I almost fel asleep during lunch....
1:00pm: Crew A puts on a 20-minute Luncheon Program. Someone should introduce the cast, talk about what Cast C has done so far during staging and on the road, where the tour will take us, and encourage them to come to the show. Three of four numbers will be performed (No Costumes).
1:30pm: Thank Hosts and load buses
2:00pm: Afternoon Meeting in Boy's Gym
2:45pm: Prep
3:00pm: Rehearsal We went back to the sportshal and during rehearsel we did a run through of half the show.
5:00pm: Dinner - Togo's Sandwiches on the field behind the gym We had diner and had to get ready for the show.
6:00pm: Band time & Sellers Greenroom
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Greenroom on the field At seven we had greenroom (C's allright, C'allright, C'allright with me...)
7:30pm: "Rhythm of the World"
After show
- Crew 1 - Hostfamilie evening
- Crew 2 - Strike
- Crew 3 - Intervieuws
PS This picture is from the official UWP site. Check out
september 4th 1991
Community Involvement Day
8:00am: Staff HDO - First United Methodist Church
8:15am: Cast HDO
8:30am: Good Morning Turlock!!!
8:45am: Prep and load buses
9:15am: Buses leave for Hershey's Chocolate Plant!!!
10:00am: Tour of Hershey's plant & Visitor Center
We have been visiting a chocolate factory (Hershey's as I remember). It was fun to watch and great to smell... We have been shown around and they told us all about the production. At the end of the tour we all received a coupon for free chocolate. I remember eating the Herhey Kisses.
10:50am: Buses leave for lunch
11:00am: Lunch at Golden Corral Restaurant - All you can eat at food bar & drinks, but NO dessert!
12:00pm: Buses leave restaurant for afternoon activities. (4 split groups and activities)
We visited a school with handicapped students in the age off 17 till 70 years. We sang a few songs and we made a lot of friends..... and we all ended up dancing. There was this guy who told me I had beautifull hands, and when our dance was finished he put his arms around me and thanked us for being there, and than..... he wanted to kiss me....(must be the impact of the Herhey kisses) on the mouth...
3.30pm: Leave and walk back to the church
Group 1: Winos & Nutty People
12:45pm: Arrive at Delicato Winery - You will tour the winery and have a chance to taste some of their wines. If you are 21 or older, bring ID - otherwise you get grape juice.
1:45pm: leave Delicato
2:15pm: Arrive at Bleu Diamond Almond plant - Here you will see a movie that shows how these nuts are grown, harvested and packaged, and then get to try a few.
3:10pm: Back on the bus, and return to First United Methodist Church.
Group 2: The M*A*S*H* Team
12:45pm: Arrive at American Red Cross - Stanislaus Country Chapter - Learn basic principles of First Aid and CPR with Steve Crabtree
2:15pm: Load them buses and leave for Medic-Alert
2:45pm: Arrive at the world headquarters of Medic-Alert Foundation - See how this medical emergency information system works.
3:45pm: leave and return to methodist Church
Group 3: Marketing Madness
12:30pm: Arrive at Turlock High School to visit 2 Drama classes - Greg Volk, the drama teacher, traveled in UWP 1972, and wants to have you do theater games with the students. The second class already knows the UWP song.
2:30pm: Leave and go to The Turlock Journal
2:45pm: Take a tour of The Turlock Journal, our Sponsor - See how a newspaper is created and talk with the editor about PR/Media interaction
3:45pm: Return to the Methodist Church
4:00pm: Evaluation of CI activities
5:30pm: HPU at First United Methodist Church.
Free evening with you host families
Tonight we have a bonfire!
8:00am: Staff HDO - First United Methodist Church
8:15am: Cast HDO
8:30am: Good Morning Turlock!!!
8:45am: Prep and load buses
9:15am: Buses leave for Hershey's Chocolate Plant!!!
10:00am: Tour of Hershey's plant & Visitor Center
We have been visiting a chocolate factory (Hershey's as I remember). It was fun to watch and great to smell... We have been shown around and they told us all about the production. At the end of the tour we all received a coupon for free chocolate. I remember eating the Herhey Kisses.
10:50am: Buses leave for lunch
11:00am: Lunch at Golden Corral Restaurant - All you can eat at food bar & drinks, but NO dessert!
12:00pm: Buses leave restaurant for afternoon activities. (4 split groups and activities)
- Group 1: Winos & Nutty People
- Group 2: The M*A*S*H* Team
- Group 3: Marketing Madness
- Group 4: The Dancing Dudes (This is where I went)
We visited a school with handicapped students in the age off 17 till 70 years. We sang a few songs and we made a lot of friends..... and we all ended up dancing. There was this guy who told me I had beautifull hands, and when our dance was finished he put his arms around me and thanked us for being there, and than..... he wanted to kiss me....(must be the impact of the Herhey kisses) on the mouth...
3.30pm: Leave and walk back to the church
Group 1: Winos & Nutty People
12:45pm: Arrive at Delicato Winery - You will tour the winery and have a chance to taste some of their wines. If you are 21 or older, bring ID - otherwise you get grape juice.
1:45pm: leave Delicato
2:15pm: Arrive at Bleu Diamond Almond plant - Here you will see a movie that shows how these nuts are grown, harvested and packaged, and then get to try a few.
3:10pm: Back on the bus, and return to First United Methodist Church.
Group 2: The M*A*S*H* Team
12:45pm: Arrive at American Red Cross - Stanislaus Country Chapter - Learn basic principles of First Aid and CPR with Steve Crabtree
2:15pm: Load them buses and leave for Medic-Alert
2:45pm: Arrive at the world headquarters of Medic-Alert Foundation - See how this medical emergency information system works.
3:45pm: leave and return to methodist Church
Group 3: Marketing Madness
12:30pm: Arrive at Turlock High School to visit 2 Drama classes - Greg Volk, the drama teacher, traveled in UWP 1972, and wants to have you do theater games with the students. The second class already knows the UWP song.
2:30pm: Leave and go to The Turlock Journal
2:45pm: Take a tour of The Turlock Journal, our Sponsor - See how a newspaper is created and talk with the editor about PR/Media interaction
3:45pm: Return to the Methodist Church
4:00pm: Evaluation of CI activities
5:30pm: HPU at First United Methodist Church.
Free evening with you host families
Tonight we have a bonfire!
september 3rd 1991
We stayed at a farm. 10 guys and 10 girls. We had a lot of fun. Our hostfamilie had this crazy (fake) piano. (with pedals). At the end of the evening we have been chatting and watching the stars. It was a great day!
Here's a link to the ranch as it is today...
Today we had a long travelday again. At first we couldn't get all of our suitcases into our hostfamilies car. After we arrived for HDO we said goodbye and started our (planned) 6 hour drive. We stranded with a flat tire and had to get into an other bus. After a while we spend some... time at an allumnus. We had something to eat and drink, and had a swimm in their pool. At 3:30 PM we had to move on. On our way to Turlock.
P.R. TEAM: Sofia Tjäder & Ken High
5.30pm: Cast Arrives (Turlock High School Auditorium)
5:45pm: Cast photo inside Auditorium Who has this photo???
6:00pm: Allocation meeting in Auditorium
6:30pm: Host Pick up at park across Canal Dr. - Free evening with host families
Here's a link to the ranch as it is today...
Today we had a long travelday again. At first we couldn't get all of our suitcases into our hostfamilies car. After we arrived for HDO we said goodbye and started our (planned) 6 hour drive. We stranded with a flat tire and had to get into an other bus. After a while we spend some... time at an allumnus. We had something to eat and drink, and had a swimm in their pool. At 3:30 PM we had to move on. On our way to Turlock.
P.R. TEAM: Sofia Tjäder & Ken High
5.30pm: Cast Arrives (Turlock High School Auditorium)
5:45pm: Cast photo inside Auditorium Who has this photo???
6:00pm: Allocation meeting in Auditorium
6:30pm: Host Pick up at park across Canal Dr. - Free evening with host families
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