We have a special lunch today - Please bring nice clothes
7:45am: HDO for everyone - Turlock High School Boy's Gym
8:00pm: Good morning Turlock! This morning we started out with a meeting.
8:15pm: Prep time
Crew 2:
8:30am: Set up
11:30am: Change to nice clothes for lunch
11:45am: Bus departs promptly for lunch
Crew A: That is me!
8:30am: Get playback system from Crew 2
9:00am: Load buses
9:10am: Leave for Hilmar Cheese
9:30am: Tour of Hilmar Cheese Campany
At about 10 o'clock we left for an American Cheese factory. They did not show uw how the cheese was made, but they did show us how the finish it up. At the end of the tour we all received a free cap.
10:30am: Load buses and go to the Gardens Restaurant (at staff Hotel)
11:00am: Arrice at The Gardens Restaurant - Set up playback system and rehears for luncheon show
Crew B:
8:30am: Load buses - TAKE BOOM BOX & UWP TAPE!!
8:45am: Arrive at Crowell Elementary School
9:00am: The first of two 30-min. assemblies for several hundred students. The school wasnt to emphasize the international aspect of UWP and have a lot of student involvement. Talk about your differen countries and regions, and teach them the UWP song.
9:45am: Second assembly
10:30am: Bus returns to Turlock High School - Then free time
11:40am: Leave for lunch
12:00pm: Assyrian Lunch - We are guests of the Turlock Rotary CLub. Each of their members is buying lunch for two of us. They also are a former sponsor and rescheduled their planned guest speaker, so we could be their main program.
After the factory we visited the rotary club and had lunch together. I almost fel asleep during lunch....
1:00pm: Crew A puts on a 20-minute Luncheon Program. Someone should introduce the cast, talk about what Cast C has done so far during staging and on the road, where the tour will take us, and encourage them to come to the show. Three of four numbers will be performed (No Costumes).
1:30pm: Thank Hosts and load buses
2:00pm: Afternoon Meeting in Boy's Gym
2:45pm: Prep
3:00pm: Rehearsal We went back to the sportshal and during rehearsel we did a run through of half the show.
5:00pm: Dinner - Togo's Sandwiches on the field behind the gym We had diner and had to get ready for the show.
6:00pm: Band time & Sellers Greenroom
6:30pm: House opens
7:10pm: Greenroom on the field At seven we had greenroom (C's allright, C'allright, C'allright with me...)
7:30pm: "Rhythm of the World"
After show
- Crew 1 - Hostfamilie evening
- Crew 2 - Strike
- Crew 3 - Intervieuws
PS This picture is from the official UWP site. Check out http://www.upwithpeople.org/
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