september 21rst 1991

Showday today. We had to be there at 8:00am. First we had a meeting and after that Ted was asking for 10 volunteers, and did not tell us what for. Ofcourse I offered myselve very enthousiast.
Now I know why he didn't tell what it was for. He just said:"Great! You can all help me with Set-Up today!" Wow, that was fun... ;-( Anyway, I was doing my thing and Jennifer (I do not remember wich one I mean) passed me by, so I asked her what they were doing at that moment. Guess what? They had free time... mmmhhh

During lunch there was mail again. I got lots of mail today. My best friend Suzan, my cousin Irma, my parents and my grandmother from Germany, and lots more. That really made me very happy.

Cast pictures are ready and available.

The show was great. The first time we perforemed the Canadian medley. It turned out pretty well. I love the song with 4 male voices (alain is singing very low....mmm love that voice, what song is it???)
Intervieuws after the show and 12:20am we could go home.
Now I am going to bed. Wonder why I am tired at 3 am.....


Marjo Thompson said...

It's called This Island Earth, by The Nylons (acapella group from Toronto)

You can hear it here on youtube:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Thank yo my dear!