September 11th 1991

I cannot start this blog today without saying anything about what has happend 9 years ago. It is just such a big tragedy. All the people involved in this are in my thoughts. Every year, over and over again. Let's all just hope that anything like this will never ever happen again!
Heal the word. Make it a better place.

* Breakfast with your host families
* Don't forget thos plates!

8:00am: Staff briefing - same room as Tuesday - Redding Convention Center
8:15am: HDO at the Redding Convention Center
8:30am: Morning briefing - get excited for another day!
8:45am: Prep
9:00am: Cast meeting in the downstairs lobby. Nana will be explaining the wonderfull, wild, and wacky marketing department! Also, this is band rehearsal time!
10:00am: Janet Tyrell, a Professional management Consultant, will be leading us in group communication activities. Let's get to know one another and see how much we can accomplish!
* Staff meeting in room #314 with Brenda.
12:00pm: Lunch - Grab that same 'ole blade of grass by "The River"!
Menu: Beans (please be aware that you'll be very close during the show!) - Salad - Tortilla Chips and Salsa
1:00pm: Afternoon meeting
2:00pm: Change for rehearsel
2:15pm: Rehearsal on stage
5:00pm: Dinner - guess where? Follow the sound of the river!
6:30pm: Tone up those instruments on stage/Merch maniacs meet
7:00pm: Hundreds of people are taking their seats and awaiting a dymnamic performance!
8:00pm: It's showtime again!

Tonights show turned out much better than last night. Tracy (my hostsister) picked me up after the show.
It is almost two at night and I've got loads to do. My pictures are develloped and look great.
Today we mostly have had meetings. There was mail too, and I received a package from Raymond (my love back than, and husband now). I miss him so much (allready).  We have been talking for some time with Remco and after that Tracy took me to a beautifull place were we could watch the citylights.
Tomorrow we'll travel to Eureka.

Crew 1: 10:15pm: HPU - Have a great evening with you HF's
Crew 2: 10:15pm: Strike that set down! (12:30am: HF's will pick you up)
Crew 3: 10:15pm: Meet in Room #126 to prepare for intervieuws. (12:30am: HF's will pick you up)

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