september 15th 1991

7:30am: H.D.O. - Bayshore Mall
8:00am: Depart for Bend

7:00pm: Cast arrival into Bend  (PR Team; Aya Biyajima - Kristin Clelan and Paula Kennedy)
7:30pm: Host Pick-up at Bend High School
We had a long travelday today. I have slept the first three hours of the trip. Toiletbreak (in line ofcourse) and back to sleep untill 12 o'clock. This was just me catching up my sleep, though most of the traveldays everybody is snorring their way up to the next city. Usually I'd like to see some of the great vieuws we pass on our way.

I am allocated with Kadra Edmonds and Michelle Magyer (hostcode: tacky tie)

In two days we'll have another free morning, so there are more chances of cathing up sleep. We are in Bend, Oregon today.
All the girls received a beautifull orchid from a UWP allumnus who lives in Bend, and is working in a flower shop. Tomorrow we'll have community involvement day (C.I.D. for those who had forgotten...hahaha)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Line for the bathroom? ;)