september 9th 1991

This morning we had to say goodbye to our Folsom hostfamilie.
8:00am: Host Drop off
8:30am: Depart for Redding via Lake Tahoe - Don't forget your sack lunch!!!
It was a long travelday again. We had a short break at a Casino city..... Yes I have gambled and won ( $ 5,= Whohoo)

5:30pm: Arrive at HPU, unload luggage, and begin staff briefing. The staff briefing will be in a room off stage left. (Foothill High School Auditiorium)
5:45 pm: City briefing in the auditorium. Hello Redding!
6:15 pm: HPU in the auditorium lobby. Start learning your German for next semester. Enjoy the evening with you host families!

My hostfamilie is very kind, and my hostsister (16 years) has her driver licence and drives like an idiote. That feels very strange because in the Netherlands you have to be 18 untill you are allowed to drive. My hostsister and me went over to her friend. They are hosting too.... Nikki and Elaina were there. They live in a huge house. My eyes just popped out... This time i am hosted alone, and have to say I like it (for now). It is almost two o'clock at night right now, and we are in Redding, California. This city we will perform 2 shows. Tomorrow will be our first!


Unknown said...

I have NO recollection of you coming over to our host family's house. I just remember Elana and I going nuts over our HUGE mansion of a house. Why couldn't we stay there longer???? : )

Anonymous said...

Love your blog Nicole. Keep'em coming.
I remember Koen won a whole lot of money. Was it like 500 $$ or so?